- Inpire you to write more.
- Make you feel guilty for not writing enough.
I write for work, yes, every hour of every day, but the creative process is a little different. And it all makes me feel like not writing anymore when it's late at night and I'm spent. I feel like Jerry's masseuse girlfriend who would rather do anything than rub another god damn back after a day in the parlour. So stop trying to force my hands on your shoulders, dude!
But if you ask me what it is I'm supposed to be doing, it starts and ends with writing. Not because I'm the next Margaret Atwood but because I don't know how to do anything else. I have no other special skills. This vegan thing has me in the kitchen more than ever, but I ain't no natural at it. I'm a slave to the recipe and an idiot at improvising. I'm raising daughters, but by the skin of my teeth. I can run 5k in a pinch, but still hate 75% of the experience and can't seem to make it stick. Not that I could actually make a living out of any of those things if I were half good at them, but at least they involve honing some kind of skill or making use of experience.
So the writing is because I suck at the other 9,999,999 things that humans can do.
Tonight I signed up for a 5-day webinar in December with a woman I've been reading for as long as the intertubes have been around: Penelope Trunk. She'll be teaching me how to find the thing in my life to write about, how not to be boring at it, and how to make money from it. I've read so much of her shizz over the years for free, that the $150 I'm spending on the webinar seems like chump change.
If it gets me nothing else than an excuse to quit work at 6 pm for a few nights, then I'll be golden. And it might just help me figure out what the hell I'm supposed to be writing about for the rest of my life.
First of all, Congratulations for getting back to writing in your blog - it has been a long dry season for you and the rest of your members. Apologies for not looking at it sooner ... I had given up clicking on the blog site and finding nothing new! Now I have to tell everyone that I know, who follows your writing, that you are BACKKKKK! And with a vengeance!